ECU Programming & Remapping

More Power

Increase Performance

Reduce Fuel Consumption

Mercedes ML


ECU Technologies is one of the most respected remapping brands in the market today. We have the most talented team of software file writers and technical support staff in the remapping market and our biggest strength is in our people, not just our own staff, but also our great team.

Model Original BHP Tuned BHP Original NM Tuned NM
ML270 CDI 163 198 21% 370 460 24%
ML280 CDI 187 225 20% 440 520 18%
ML320 CDI 220 255 15% 510 578 13%
ML350 CDI 220- Boot Tricore 220 255 15% 510 578 13%
ML350 CDI 227- Boot Tricore 227 257 13% 540 589 9%
ML 400 CDI 250 285 14% 560 630 12%
ML420 CDI 301 345 14% 700 800 14%
ML320 218 232 6% 310 338 9%
ML 350 - 235 235 247 5% 345 360 4%
ML 350 - 268 268 284 5% 350 370 5%
ML430 272 288 5% 390 425 8%
ML500 - 292 292 312 6% 440 470 6%
ML500 - 301 301 311 3% 460 475 3%
ML500 - 382 382 392 2% 530 545 2%
ML 63 AMG 502 516 2% 630 645 2%
ML300 CDI 201 230 14% 500 560 12%
ML450 CDI 302 340 12% 700 780 11%